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Relationships, Health and Character Development

At Bishop Gilpin we aim to create a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning by sharing knowledge and dispositions that enable pupils to make good choices, develop healthy relationships, be happy, healthy and safe.   We empower our children to make choices to act as courageous allies for others, through charitable acts and a strong belief in equality.

The teaching and learning is second to none, the pastoral care is outstanding and my son has flourished both academically and in confidence/social skills.

There is no better gift than to be part of such a nurturing community and to see my son thriving. I will be forever grateful

- Parent/Carer Survey 2022

RHCD Curriculum  Approach

Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education, the EYFS framework and Development Matters, alongside consultation with children, staff and families have informed our schemas and our curriculum planning, leading to a coherent and comprehensive whole school approach to  relationships, health and character development in line with our school values and research into relationships, emotions and staying safe. Kapow is the main resource for the curriculum strand, adapted by teachers as appropriate.  Teachers also have access to Jigsaw "legacy" resources and PSHE association resources.   

RHCD supports children and young people’s personal development including their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Its aims are to help children and young people to deal with the real-life issues they face as they grow up and that they will encounter as adults. Their learning will support them both online and offline, to make informed choices about their safety, physical and mental health, enabling them to live positive and fulfilled lives.

RHCD is enhanced by a supportive school ethos where everyone is valued, positive relationships are promoted through the Relational Actions, Feelings and Thoughts (RAFT) approach, the embedding of our school values and a safe learning environment is created.

Schemas are repeated and then added to in future learning. 

Both my children love school. Their teachers are incredibly attentive to their needs, and any day to day worries or problems they have are dealt with swiftly and with genuine care and thoughtfulness.

- Parent/Carer Survey 2022


We support our children to

  • Build and maintain positive relationships
  • Communicate effectively with others
  • Understand self and others
  • Develop respect for self and others, including on issues of consent.

Health and Wellbeing

Understand how to maintain and improve:

  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Economic well being
  • Understand growth and puberty

Character Schemas

(Growth Mindset, 4Rs, School Values, Emotional Regulation)

We provide character schemas that enable children to:

  • Be emotionally literate and seek support if needed
  • Show resilience in the face of challenges and adversity
  • Reflect on their learning and experiences and be able to refine and adapt their approach
  • Manage themselves to learn effectively 
  • Understand how to co-operate and build effective relationships 
  • Know that they can improve their knowledge, skills and dispositions through a combination of effort and application/practice
  • Be "Courageous Allies" and challenge prejudice and inequality, e.g. take anti-racist actions


  • Understand how maintain safety of self and others:
  • Personal safety
  • Online Safety
  • First Aid Training

Know where to get help, who to speak to.

Pupil and staff well being, as well as safeguarding come across as being a priority

- Parent/Carer Survey 2022


We support our children in understanding how they can make our world a better place.

We help children understand their roles as global and local citizens.

Everyone is encouraged to take pride in their school, their class, their learning and their relationships.

British Values

Democracy, Individual liberty, Rule of law, Respect

School Rules

We are safe

We make good choices

We are caring

We do our best

Curriculum  Hours

EYFS: continuous provision

KS1: minimum expectation of 45 minutes explicit teaching per week

KS2: minimum expectation of 45 minutes explicit teaching per week

Plus: Collective Worship (Year 1+) whole school 90 minutes per week, plus class reflections.

Wellbeing support

In addition to the curriculum offer which supports pupils understanding of mental health and wellbeing, we offer support for children, families and staff through our 
Child and Young Person's IAPT Therapist, Amy Stirling. 

Wave 6 Mental Health Support Team

Our Headteacher is currently leading a 2-year NHS project to support Metal Health and Wellbeing across 16 Merton Schools.